We've been in France for a week and a half now. It feels like it's only been 3 or 4 days... retired people are busier than we think. Yesterday we started sorting our old stuff, which had been sitting at my parents during the past 4 years and more. I finally made the decision to toss all my course notes from high-school to college... I'm still unsure about my collection of beer caps and my miniature cars.. I might save them for my children. Today, Severine left for Paris to spend the weekend with her sister. Hopefully, I'll be able to spend some time outside... the weather has been horrible since we've been here. I've tried to resist and continue to wear my shorts and flip-flops but I gave up today and went back to the jeans, sweater and sneakers... bleuargl!!!
Il y a 3 semaines
2 commentaires:
Je vois que tu as passé un bon week-end... Nous c'était le pied. Gochoun revient ce soir avec sa nouvelle peau de croquette !
On a la peau plus douce que jamais.
C'est super le blog, on a decide dans faire aussi voila, pouette!!!http://colibree.blogspot.com/
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