30 juillet 2005


Tout frais et encore mouille, nous sommes rentres de la Thalasso hier apres-midi.

On s'habitue a sentir les algues et avoir le petit dej au lit sur commande.

On a passe 3 jours a poils devant hommes et femmes qui a tour de role nous ont masses, enduit d'algues ou percer le ventre avec une lance a incendie. On a aussi croise une grand-mere qui croyait qu'etre a poil etait de rigueur meme dans les couloirs.

Vue sur la mer depuis la chambre

Malgre le temps maussade la plupart du temps et un maximum de 20 degres a 14H, nous sommes quand meme sorti nous ballader sur Roscoff le long du port, avant de rejoindre un bar en courant pour nous abriter de la pluie (Only in Bretagne un orage sous 20°).

On a mange des fruits de mer tous les jours, et Pouchoun a fait une cure d'huitres. Nous sommes rentres relax, zen, tout cool; pres a affronter encore 5 mois de vacances...


26 juillet 2005

We did it!

The wait for the anounce of the big surprise is finally over. Most of the cards were sent last week, and we told our friends at the festival on Friday: we got married!
It was low key, and very easy...which confirms that I made the best decision of my life.
The sun was shinning (it was in the nineties), flowers were blooming, and I was just so happy.

Enough said, here are some of the pictures:

I don't know if this is a tradition in the US, but people throw rice on the bride and groom for good luck.

In the sunflower fields

Wheat fields


Just married!

It's now been a week, and nothing has changed a bit for us...except that we are going for 3 days in Roscoff for Thalassotherapy. It's a spa specialized in sea-based products. We are leaving this afternoon, and I am very excited.

We went to the festival for 4 days last week, and it was awesome, one of the best!
My brother went along for the first time and had a great first experience too...I think he's hooked!

We all had our teeshirt "le cucul du chat", specially made, and the flag.
It rained most of the weekend though, we were soaking wet:

Gochoun & JC

But not enough to stop us from having fun:

Pouchoun dancing

Before I go I want to thank all of you who wrote to us, and wished us good things. We are thinking of you all even though we haven't answered to all of you personally yet.
We'll write some more when we come back from the Spa.

Et en francais pour finir, merci a vous tous qui etes venus au festival. On a passe un super weekend grace a vous, malgre la pluie et Bernard Lavilliers.


09 juillet 2005

Second weekend in the hexagon

We've been in France for a week and a half now. It feels like it's only been 3 or 4 days... retired people are busier than we think. Yesterday we started sorting our old stuff, which had been sitting at my parents during the past 4 years and more. I finally made the decision to toss all my course notes from high-school to college... I'm still unsure about my collection of beer caps and my miniature cars.. I might save them for my children. Today, Severine left for Paris to spend the weekend with her sister. Hopefully, I'll be able to spend some time outside... the weather has been horrible since we've been here. I've tried to resist and continue to wear my shorts and flip-flops but I gave up today and went back to the jeans, sweater and sneakers... bleuargl!!!

05 juillet 2005

Things we are getting used to

- Good salted butter from Brittany
- AZERTY keyboard
- Birds singing at 5 am
- Having to bring AND pack your own grocery bags
- Having a car but no traffic
- Internetless life
- Being able to phone without worrying about jet lag
- The daily noisy scooter, that people find sooo annoying
- Not speaking about politics or statistics
- The sunset at 10:30 pm
- Music festivals
- Being able to sleep with the window open (but see #3)
- Baguettes
- Paying 1.1 Euro for a liter of gas
